Benefits of Granola

Granola is a cereal-food consisting of rolled oats, honey, nuts or other sugar substitutes such as brown sugar, and occasionally puffed rice which is usually baked until it is crispy, toasted and light brown. The mixture is stirred during the baking process to maintain a loose cereal consistency for the breakfast. Dried fruit is sometimes added, such as raisins and dates, and confections such as chocolate. Granola is frequently eaten infused with yoghurt, honey, fresh fruit, such as bananas, strawberries or blueberries, milk, or other cereals. It also acts as a topping for different pastries, desserts or ice cream.

When most people consider granola as just a snack bar, they fail to see its nutritional value. It is not just a normal bar but can make itself an integral part of a properly balanced diet.

  1. Helps Digestion

It is a fact that foods rich in fibre content help digestion get better. Granola is a fibre rich diet which consists of soluble as well as insoluble fibres. The soluble fibres become the nutrient portion for the probiotic bacteria living in the gut while insoluble fibres add bulk to the stool making it easier to pass. 

  1. Improves energy levels

Granola bars are the favourite partners of people indulged in fitness and vigorous activities because of its increasing energy level virtue. Granola bars are low in sugar but they contain high levels of a mineral called manganese which is involved in many biological energy-giving processes. 

  1. Promotes weight loss

The protein-fibre rich combinations keep you full for a longer period of time, hence inhibiting hunger calls in between the meals. Granola is rich in protein and fibres that help it inhibit a hormone called ghrelin which is responsible for making you feel hungry. It can absorb water significantly and also maintain blood glucose levels.

Cutting down the calorie intake is the best way to lose weight and this bar of excellence precisely helps you to do so. Does Granola help in weight loss? Myth of Fact

  1. Boosts Immune System

Granola has a high amount of Vitamin E which is an antioxidant vitamin that ensures the well-being of your immune system. This is not its primary function but it does it via the gut. The gut consists of many probiotic bacteria which recognizes and kills any foreign pathogenic particles. The fibre rich granola feeds these bacteria so they perform well against the invading pathogens, hence improving the Immunity. How eating patterns shape your immunity?

  1. Keeps Your Heart Healthy

While potassium is not one of the key sources of Granola, it provides enough to have a balancing effect on sodium and flushes out extra Sodium and water to maintain the blood pressure. fibre actively promotes excretion of cholesterol in stool and so helps in reducing cholesterol levels. The fibre potassium presence helps in removing atherosclerosis plaques, which in turn reduces the heart diseases risk and strokes as well.

  1. Helps Anaemia

Anaemia is basically caused due to iron deficiency which results in lesser production of Red Blood cells which substantially is responsible for carrying oxygen to different tissues in our body. Granola is rich in Iron and when consumed with fruits with the alms of Vitamin C, responsible for the absorption of Iron, increases your blood building capacity.

It, very efficiently, fulfils your fibre requirements of 25 to 30 g per day. Ingredients like walnut, almond, cashews and seeds like sesame, hemp and pumpkin make Granola rich in protein as well. Nutritionally, granola is typically a good source of iron, zinc and magnesium, as well as vitamin E and B and C, depending on the ingredients of your choice. Granola contains iron that helps you increase your immunity. Granola’s natural sugars, acting as energy boosters, help you kickstart your day with vigour. Naturally, cholesterol-free granola keeps your heart happy, healthy.

Apart from its nutritional value, this quick ideal protein-rich breakfast becomes even more convenient and easy to munch on an entire day since they can be made into bars. This empowers Granola to be one of the healthiest breakfasts. Granola bars are thought to be meant only for people in fitness but that is a myth. It not only provides its goodness to them but also to people with its everyday nutritional value. They are Time-saving, Easy to carry, Easy to store, easy to cook, Instant energy source, best for working people who often skip meals due to overload of work. How to cook easy Granola Bars at home?

The next time you are looking for an ideal breakfast, look out for Granola and visit our official website to get the best, healthy, tasty, awesome, protein-rich and low-calorie granola with real fruits from


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